A dawn at lalbagh lake

On a beautiful Sunday, just before the dawn, I decided to capture the morning hues, with my new lens. I wanted to unravel the tranquility of lalbagh lake and welcome the first sun rays with the resident birds there. So I packed all my gear, and reached lalbagh at 5 am. As i walked passed the misty path lined with trees, casting shadows on it, the moon peeking through the branches, as if bidding goodbye for the day, I felt a sense of serenity within. The experience of watching the first rays descend through the trees and on placid waters of the lake, listening to the chirping as the birds awaking, was absolutely divine. And amidst all the beauty, i saw a pelican enjoying the morning sunshine, as if taking a morning walk.

Lalbagh is a home to a lot of migratory birds and a pelican is on of them. Its a mesmerizing experience to watch these beautiful creatures, when nature is at its best. I also spotted some egrets.

A large cormorant, trying to swallow a yummy fish at breakfast.

And an emerald duck, taking a dip in the lake.

It was 7:30 am, the serenity was now fading with noise of people coming for a morning walk, vehicles honking and surrounding places of worship reciting morning prayers. The sense of tranquility was now turning into dissonance. Visitors now included junkets, who shared their food with the birds, so very thoughtful of them, the birds had been starving, in a natural habitat. They not only fed the birds but threw the plastic packets in the lake, may be, thinking that the birds might just love to eat plastic.A duck tries to identify the new food, whether it is safe.

And decides otherwise.

What if the gorgeous bird had swallowed the plastic packet, lying behind it ? I am even scared to imagine the consequences. I went there to capture the beauty, the sun shine inducing life, that i would treasure for life, and not a beautiful bird choking to death because an intelligent being shared his/her meal, with the bird. Is it ignorance or sheer negligence ? We keep reading and listening about plastic pollution, the toxic nature of plastics and their disastrous effects on the planet, but just fail to realize the seriousness of it. I was filled with dismay, until i saw this individual.
He was fishing out plastic waste from the lake. At least someone is concerned...

With this i would like to appeal to all those reading this, to be a little more considerate to nature, and not throw plastic around.

Let the natural beauty prevail, work towards enhancing it, not endangering it.

More photographs at http://picasaweb.google.com/vishakha/Birds#


Sarthak said…
Nice photos and good writeup.
Seems like Lalbagh is becoming a fav for you as well!
Vishakha said…
you bet. I realized that i love going there at dawn.
nice snaps..glad you the camera is coming of great use :) Check out the sun rise at nandi hills. Heard its awesome.

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