Mumbai terror attacks - call for a stern action

First as foremost, I salute all the security personnel who confronted and turned down this terror attack, to all the martyrs who embraced death to save others. I offer my condolences to families who lost their near and dear ones.

Never had I imagined, in my wildest dreams, that I would commence blogging with a topic as ghastly and painstaking, as this. Perhaps, this was the last straw that broke the camels back.

We’ve been witnessing these attacks for so many decades now. And my mind wanders amidst huge thicket of only questions. Is life worth nothing? why have we been so casual and forgiving? Has our attitude of being resilient actually made the authorities take a casual stand against terrorism? Can I do something in this regard? And questions lead to more questions. I have been watching almost every moment of this horrific menace, thanks to the media who has been covering it. It was so disturbing and soul crushing that roll down even as i write this blog. While everyone expressed their anguish towards the politicians, some were looking for “opportunities”, I was shattered to hear one gentleman commenting on the closure of stock markets and referring to this as a buying opportunity. Have our cultural and ethical values reduced to that extent ? With all this, I certainly have some specific points to make :

  1. we’ve had enough and its time we take some stern action against terrorism. Our intelligence has pointed towards Pakistan links so many times and Pakistan govt. has not acted. I agree that a terrorist group belonging to Pakistan does not confirm that its supported and/or funded by the government but then it belongs to the soil of Pakistan and its their duty to crush such a group, and if its beyond their control, too bad.Why should only we care about the UN code of conduct when our neighboring countries are breaking it as their own sweet will. It time, instead of looking for outside support, we should go ahead with whats required. And I have a strong belief in our own capability of doing the same. Lets, no more take a diplomatic stance, its time petty politics takes a back seat.
  2. Our security organizations be better equipped. While I agree that its difficult to avoid such terror attack, what we can do is have facilities and equipment ready 24x7 to deal with such a situation. I saw victims were carried in luggage trolleys, where were the ambulances ? Our policemen be given better equipment and proper training to face such a situation and be physically fit to do so. I could see some policemen with bullet proof jackets and rifles to combat terrorists who were shooting with AK-47s, are these policemen put to some suicide mission ? The NSG arrival was delayed due to transport issues, why cant NSG have their own cargo for transport when each politician has a chartered jet ?
  3. 3. We, as citizens, need to be cautious and report anything unusual around us. But then the authorities must act, the fishermen say they had reported rdx being smuggled via the sea route from Karachi to Gujrat and brought into Mumbai, and the police denies having received any such report.
  4. 4. NSG be placed at all major points from where affected area can be reached not more than an hour.
Its sad to witness such incidences, time and again, and take no lessons from it, argue the same things and express the same kind of anguish.


ram said…
hmmm.... nice way to start gal...
Bhavan said…
The pictures and news are so unbelievable that its hard to digest its happening to innocent people and for what reason ? There are so many conflicting emotions from compassion to revenge to rage to despondency and its taking a while to figure out which one is dominant. I don't know what I want to happen now !
hey vishakha
you should continue posting on this blog. 'twill be good to hear more from you.


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