I went, I saw and I conquered

I sometimes love to get out of my comfort zone and eventually expand it. Makes me more confident and powerful. These might be very small unnoticeable things but these tiny accomplishments reassure my belief in ME.

You often find solo men at bar counter, I have never seen a woman, doing that. What stops her from going alone to her favorite pub, enjoy some time with her favorite self, with her favorite drink and with her favorite music. I say NOTHING. Why is she intimidated to do so? Is it the social stigma or just a mind block? I confronted the same questions and decided i will go to a pub solo. But I will do this when i feel like it, not when i wanted to prove a point. The wait was long to get over my fears and my discomfort. It finally happened yesterday, Friday 25th October. They say, when you're determined, everything just falls in place.Yesterday was an unusual day, it started off unusually. I forgot my phone and my watch, things i seldom do. My mind was unusually calm, never happens. The entire day was uneventful, again hardly ever happens. In the evening, a thought struck me and i made up my mind instantaneously. A colleague asked if i was going to have dinner at office and I told him i felt like going out to my favorite place. I did not ask anyone to join me, quite unusual, again. I drove to forum, shopped for a while, went to check if there were any good movies running but there were none. So I went straight to Firangi Paani. I ordered for a "maa ke daal" at the restaurant and told them to pack it and get it to the pub. By the way, if you've never tasted "maa ki daal" at Sahib Singh Sultaan, you've missed something. Anyway, I went straight to the bar counter and ordered for my favorite drink - the lemon margarita, they make it very well at Firangi Paani, shaken. I was a bit uncomfortable to start with and every minute was longer than an hour, I could see those judgmental stares. Just to evade those, I took out my Rubik cube and started solving it. The manager probably sensed my discomfort or he was awestruck to see a woman walk up to the bar counter alone. He asked me if i was comfortable and if i needed anything. And then my drink arrived and within a few minutes, i started enjoying myself. I spent 1.5 hours there and walked out as a much more confident woman.

I went, I saw and I conquered my inhibition.
