A realm of impossible choices

Some say life is all about that. For me, it, definitely is, its always been. Here I am, standing at cross roads, evaluating my choices, one more time.  Choices, I think i have but I don't. Choices between bad and worse. I only have an illusion that i can control my destiny, apparently i cannot, no one can. So then why am i burdened with the task of choosing or even evaluating. Why cant i just let destiny rule me? Some might argue, that its the height of laziness. And fighting destiny is just plain stupidity. So I just sit in one corner and do nothing? That's not me. However difficult life gets, you always have a choice. The question however is, can you pick the right one. Choices based on what i want, but how many of us really know what we want, because I don't. There are things I don't and might never have and I feel terrible, but, thinking about it I feel, I don't really need them, in the first place. Sounds like an utterly confused soul? May be I am. Its like a game of chess, you have to evaluate 10 moves ahead, at least. Just imagine the magnitude of that tree, even Watson would fail. Deep Thought took 7.5 million years to find an answer to the life, the universe and everything. Human brains have 1/7.5  millionth processing power, mine probably has less. Data suggests that I am incapable of making the right choice. Besides, these manipulations just kill the fun of moment, that's lost forever. Everything has pros and cons and you can be happy or sad with whatever you choose, its just the way you look at it, such a simple fact. So just pick one and be happy. That's what I'm going to do. 


dr krowbar said…
You are such a beautiful soul
The Shaolin said…
~~sigh~~ I wish I could share some comforting words, but I guess you have already found your peace and whatever I say will only be an added noise in cacophony of advices flowing your way.
I can't add any value to your post, but yet here I'm commenting, because the thought you shared urged me to do so :)

Whatever it is that you are struggling to pick between, which seems like choosing from only two of the bad and the worse options, at least you have chosen to pick "some" option. Wish you all the best in your endeavors, hope to hear that it goes well for you!

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